Sample programs

The teacher portal contains sample programs that are intended only for the teacher’s hand, as they are suitable as annual works. The sample programs can be requested from us.

Please send us your programs to extend the offer. Thank you!

SAMPLE PROGRAMS Running lights

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Name Type Content Size
Program header cbp Form to describe a program and all important data of the creation. 2 KB
running light 1 cbp LEDs are switched on one after the other; pure sequence. 1 KB
running light 2 cbp LEDs are switched on individually one after the other counting up and then switched off individually one after the other counting down; use of variables. 1 KB
running light 3 cbp LEDs are switched on one after the other counting up and switched off one after the other counting up; endless. 1 KB
running light 4 cbp LEDs are switched on one after the other, alternating one after the other. Use of bit pattern, three repetitions. 2 KB
running light 5 cbp LED 8 and 9 are moving up and down one by one fast until LED 1 and 16 are apart and in reverse order slowly towards each other. Use of bit pattern; five repetitions. 1 KB
running light 6 cbp Same as chaser 5; LEDs stay on when running apart. Use of bit pattern with x; endless. 2 KB
running light 7 cbp LEDs go on one after the other counting up; all go out and in every further lap the time intervals are shortened when switching on; endless. 1 KB


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Name Type Content Size
Program header cbp Form to describe a program and all important data of the creation. 2 KB
7-Segment 1 cbp Switch on the LEDs of the display successively by a counting loop. 2 KB
7-Segment 2 cbp Like No.1 with variables and loop with abort condition. 3 KB
7-Segment 3 cbp Like No.1 with bit pattern without counting loop. 2 KB
7-Segment 4 cbp Numbers 0 to 9 are switched on one after the other. 2 KB
7-Segment 5 cbp Like no.4 with endless loop and variable for time. 2 KB
7-Segment 6 cbp Like No.5 with subroutines (SUBs). 3 KB

MODEL PROGRAMS Traffic light

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The traffic light programs build on each other in the order in which they appear.
The A after the file name indicates a mask (the program header) in which the task is formulated.
The L after the file name designates the corresponding program for solving the task.

Name Type Content Size
traffic light 00 A cbp Task mask as program header: Check traffic light assignment and enter in the program header 1,5 KB
traffic light 00 L cbp Solution of task 00 1,6 KB
traffic light 01 A cbp Task: Car side street Flashing yellow light 1.5 KB
traffic light 01 L1 cbp Solution, infinite loop 1,8 KB
traffic light 01 L2 cbp Solution with bit pattern 1,8 KB
traffic light 02 A cbp Task: car side street flashing yellow light with variable flashing frequency 1,5 KB
traffic light 02 L1 cbp Solution, variable declaration 2,1 KB
traffic light 02 L2 cbp Solution with bit pattern 2,1 KB
traffic light 03 A cbp Task: traffic light of the side street 1,5 KB
traffic light 03 L1 cbp Solution 2,3 KB
traffic light 03 L2 cbp Solution with bit pattern 2,1 KB
traffic light 04 A cbp Task: Car traffic light of the side street with variable duration of the phases 1,5 KB
traffic light 04 L cbp Solution, variable declaration for different phases 2,9 KB
traffic light 05 A cbp Task: program all traffic lights of the side street 1,5 KB
traffic light 05 L1 cbp Solution 2,6 KB
traffic light 05 L2 cbp Solution with bit pattern 2,2 KB


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Name Type Content Size
Program header cbp Form to describe a program and all important data of the creation. 2 KB
Up-Down cbp Lift constantly moves up and down for a limited time. 1 KB
first floor cbp Lift goes from below to the 1st floor. 1 KB
second upper floor cbp Like first floor with empty loop with termination condition. 1 KB
ground floor cbp Lift moves from the top to the ground floor, empty loop with abort condition. 1 KB
ground floor – first floor cbp Lift constantly travels back and forth between ground floor and 1st floor. 1 KB
Lift2 cbp Lift moves to the starting position on the ground floor and can then be brought to the ground floor or 1st floor using the destination buttons. 4 KB

Teacher portal model programs

Note: Request sample programs from the webmaster!

Traffic light programs
Name Type Size Content
traffic light 06 A cbp 1,5 KB Task: all traffic lights of the side street with pedestrian demand indication by push buttons
traffic light 06 L1 cbp 2,8 KB Solution, demand query by loop with abort condition, traffic light phases if required as subprogram
traffic light 06 L2 cbp 2,7 KB Solution without subprogram, input sequence for program start
traffic light 06 L3 cbp 2,9 KB Solution with input sequence for program start, demand query by loop with abort condition, traffic light phases if required as subprogram
traffic light 06 L4 cbp 2,7 KB Solution with input sequence for program start, demand query by loop with termination condition
traffic light 07 A cbp 1,5 KB Task: program complete traffic light intersection
traffic light 07 L cbp 2,8 KB Solution with bit pattern and input sequence for program start
traffic light 08 A cbp 1,5 KB Task: program complete traffic light intersection with subprograms
traffic light 08 L cbp 2,9 KB Solution of task 08
Lift programs
Name Type Size Content
Lift2_V2 cbp 5 KB Lift moves to the starting position on the ground floor and can then be brought to the ground floor or 1st floor using the destination buttons. Using subprograms for ACTUAL-TARGET comparison.
Lift2_V3 cbp 5 KB As Lift2_V2 with separate subprograms for querying actual value – setpoint; with branches and loops in the query.
Lift2Anz1 cbp 4 KB Lift moves to the starting position on the ground floor and can then be brought to the ground floor or 1st floor using the destination buttons. With floor display on reaching; programmed with branches and loops.
Lift2Anz2 cbp 4 KB Like Lift2Anz1 with permanent display that changes depending on the floor.
Lift2Anz3 cbp 4 KB Same as Lift2Anz2 with change of display triggered by the reed contacts in the lift.
Lift2Anz3Ramp cbp 5 KB Like Lift2Anz3 with ramp for slow start and stop of the lift.
Lift2Anz3Ruf cbp 5 KB As Lift2Anz3 with call buttons and call indication by LEDs.
Lift3 cbp 5 KB Lift moves to the starting position on the ground floor and can then be brought to the ground floor, 1st floor or 2nd floor using the destination buttons. Programmed by branching and looping.
Lift3_V2 cbp 5 KB Like Lift3 with subroutines for actual setpoint comparison.
Lift3_V3 cbp 5 KB Like Lift3_V2 with branches and loops in the query.
Lift3Anz3 cbp 6 KB Same as Lift3 with changing indication by built-in reed contacts in the lift.
Lift3Anz3Ruf cbp 8 KB As Lift3Anz3 with call buttons and call indication by LEDs.
Lift4 cbp 7 KB Lift moves to the starting position on the ground floor and can then be brought to the ground floor, 1st floor, 2nd floor or 3rd floor using the destination buttons. Programmed by branching and looping.
Lift4_V2 cbp 5 KB Like Lift4 with subroutines for actual setpoint comparison.
Lift4_V3 cbp 5 KB Like Lift4_V2 with branches and loops in the query.
Lift4_V3Ruf cbp 5 KB As Lift4_V3 with call buttons.
Projects and annual works
Name Type Size Content
Lift4_V4 cbp 19 KB Annual work class 10, four floors with display.
Lift4_V5 cbp 19 KB Annual work class 10, four floors with display and lift logbook in one display window.
Speed measurement cbp 5 KB The speed display “You are driving at the moment …”, which is often found in city entrances, is simulated. The measurement is carried out using infrared light barriers. The output of the values appears on the one hand in a window on the PC screen and on the other hand is transmitted to a 7-segment display.
Milling plans
64-segment matrix
Top page


531 KB
620 KB

Model for driving 64 independent LEDs.
Car park counter cbp 5 KB Program for counting and calculating all incoming and outgoing vehicles.
Lift4_V6 cbp 36 KB Annual work class 10, four floors, all displays, screen output, emergency switch (call buttons EG and 1st floor pressed together cause cancellation of the trip, trip to EG and cancellation of the entire program), inspection interval, LED test …


Templates for etching board layouts for chasers can be found under “Chasers Worksheets”. The templates are already mirrored and can be used directly for exposure! Corresponding milling templates (KOSY) can also be found under the above heading.

Please send us your teaching elements to extend the offer. Thank you!

Lessons – Worksheets Ampel

Note: Use the right mouse button to save the files!

Name Type Content Size
Traffic light assignment 1 doc Graphic of the CIUS traffic light for entering DOUTs and DINs. 29 KB
Traffic light assignment 1a doc Worksheet like “Traffic light assignment 1” with entry of the DOUTs and DINs and filled out in colour. 34 KB
Traffic light assignment 2 doc Formulated tasks for the assignment of DOUTs and DINs with table for entry and solution sheet. 66 KB
Simple traffic light doc Traffic light phases for painting, graphic representation of the task (a street with pedestrian traffic lights) and function table to fill in. 87 KB
Table of functions 1 doc Function table for the complete crossing with induction loops and demand switch. 47 KB
Table of functions 2 xls Coloured solution of the function table for the entire intersection, corresponding to the worksheet “Traffic light phases”. 18 KB
Traffic light phases doc Graphical representation of the complete intersection in four phases for painting the traffic lights and entering programming instructions. Possible as homework. 63 KB
Traffic light photo zip “Something’s wrong, isn’t there?” – A traffic light on Elba. 2094 KB
Night phase doc Task for programming a night phase. 19 KB

Lessons – Lift worksheets

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Name Type Content Size
Lift assignment 1 doc Graphical representation of the CIUS-Lift for entering DOUTs and DINs. 29 KB
Lift assignment 2 doc Formulated tasks for the assignment of DOUTs and DINs with table for entry and solution sheet. 97 KB
Programming tasks doc Tasks for pin assignment, small programming tasks. Can be used as class work. 28 KB
Passenger lift jpeg Newspaper article about the invention of the passenger elevator 150 years ago. 256 KB

Lessons – Worksheets CIUS Basics

Note: Use the right mouse button to save the files!

Name Type Content Size
Test 1 doc Questions about troubleshooting, the software and the DIN-assignment by push buttons. Programming task running light. 23 KB
Methodology doc Eight methodical steps for controlling with CIUS2. 20 KB
Pin assignment zip Pin assignment of the interface and application examples. 655 KB
Error checklist doc Possible errors when connecting CIUS 2. 19 KB
First steps doc Connection and first programming tasks for running lights 22 KB

Lessons – Worksheets running lights

Note: Use the right mouse button to save the files!

Name Type Content Size
Running light production doc Tips for exposing and etching chaser boards. 20 KB
Running light production 2 doc Tips for milling and equipping running light boards. 21 KB
Running light production 3 doc Tips for soldering the diodes and pin assignment of the connector 80 KB
Pin assignment zip Pinout of the interface and application examples, help for the production of the chasers. 655 KB
7-Segment zip Exposure template for 7-segment display, 17.5mm display. 13 KB
Infinite zip Exposure template for running light in the form of an infinity sign. 20 KB
Arrow zip  Exposure template for running light in arrow shape. 24 KB
Wheel zip Exposure template for running light in wheel shape. 25 KB
Circle zip Exposure template for running light in circular form. 22 KB
Flower zip Exposure template for running light in flower shape. 27 KB
All zip All exposure templates in one Zip file. 166 KB
7-Segment-cad zip Milling plan for running light 7-segment display, 20mm display, nccad5 (Kosy). 11 KB
Infinite-cad zip Milling plan for running light in the form of an infinity sign, nccad5 (Kosy). 13 KB
Arrow-cad zip Milling plan for running light in arrow shape, nccad5 (Kosy). 12 KB
Wheel-cad zip Milling plan for running light in wheel form, nccad5 (Kosy). 12 KB
Circle-cad zip Milling plan for running light in circular form, nccad5 (Kosy). 12 KB
Flower-cad zip Milling plan for running light in flower shape, nccad5 (Kosy). 12 KB
All-cad zip All milling plans in one Zip file. 71 KB
Running light tasks doc Work orders for the first programming steps with running lights. 22 KB

Projects and annual works using CIUS2

Note: By clicking on the pictures you get to the corresponding area!

Project “A robot hits the drum”

Emil Dörle Secondary School, Herbolzheim

Project “Safety systems in nuclear power plants”

Robert Schuman Secondary School, Achern

Annual work “Speed measurement with output to a 7-segment display”.

Mathias von Neuenburg Secondary school, Neuchâtel

Project “Discolight Machine”

Emil Dörle Secondary School, Herbolzheim

Annual work “Running light with control panel to call up different running light programs”.

Mathias von Neuenburg Secondary school, Neuchâtel

Model of a 64-segment matrix
Reacton game

Lessing Secondary School, Freiburg

Parking garage control

Lessing Secondary School, Freiburg

running light

Lessing Secondary School, Freiburg

Connection stations between interface and model.
Lift with floor button, interior lighting and floor display.

Lessing Secondary School, Freiburg

Please contact us for further information.

Please call us or write us your inquiry. We will get in touch with you immediately.

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